
Learn more about common Florida Rodents.

Types of Florida Rodents

Rodents are small mammals that can be found all around the world. There are many different kinds of rodents, including mice, rats, and squirrels. Rodents have sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on things, which helps them find food and build nests. They are very good at finding ways into homes, where they look for food, water, and shelter. Rodents can be a problem because they can carry diseases and cause damage by chewing on wires, wood, and other materials.

In Florida, there are many types of rodents. They can be found in homes, gardens, and other outdoor areas. Some rodents like to burrow in the ground, while others might live in trees or buildings. They often come inside looking for food, especially during colder months. Each type of rodent has different behaviors and can be tricky to control. Knowing what kind of rodents you might encounter can help you keep them out of your home and yard.

A small brown mouse is standing on the ground looking at the camera.

Learn More About These Rodents

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