
Forficula auricularia

Earwig Stats

Color: Dark brown or black with reddish legs and pincers

Size: Adults are typically 0.25 - 1 inch in length

Shape: Long, narrow body with forceps-like pincers on the abdomen

What is an Earwig?

Earwigs are small insects known for the pincers on their abdomen. They are nocturnal and are often seen hiding in dark, damp places during the day. Earwigs are named for the old myth that they crawl into people's ears, but this is not true.

A close up of an earwig on a white background.

Where do Earwigs live?

Earwigs live in dark, damp places such as under rocks, logs, mulch, and leaves. Inside homes, they can be found in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. They prefer environments with plenty of moisture.

What do Earwigs eat?

Earwigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and insects. Their diet includes decaying plant material, fruits, vegetables, and small insects. They help break down organic matter in the soil.

How do Earwigs behave?

Earwigs are mostly active at night and hide during the day. They use their pincers for defense and to capture prey. Earwigs can be found in large numbers and sometimes enter homes in search of food and moisture.

How do Earwigs reproduce?

The female earwig lays eggs in a burrow she digs in the soil. She guards the eggs until they hatch, which is unusual for insects. The young earwigs, called nymphs, stay with the mother for a short time before going off on their own.

How can you control Earwigs?

To control earwigs, reduce moisture around your home by fixing leaks and using dehumidifiers. Keep your yard clean and free of debris where earwigs might hide. Seal cracks and gaps to prevent them from entering your home. Insecticides can also be used to manage earwig populations.

How do Earwigs impact humans?

Earwigs are not harmful to humans and do not spread diseases. Their pincers can pinch but are not strong enough to cause harm. Earwigs can be a nuisance if they enter homes in large numbers. Keeping your home dry and clean can help prevent earwig infestations.

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