Mud Daubers

Sceliphron caementarium

Mud Daubers Stats

Color: Black or metallic blue, sometimes with yellow markings

Size: Adults are typically 1/2 to 1 inch in length

Shape: Slender body with a long, narrow waist

What is a Mud Dauber?

Mud daubers are solitary wasps known for building nests out of mud. Unlike other wasps, they are not aggressive and rarely sting. Mud daubers are beneficial insects that help control spider populations.

A wasp is sitting on top of a nest on a wooden table.

Where do Mud Daubers live?

Mud daubers build their nests in sheltered areas, such as under eaves, inside garages, and on the sides of buildings. They use mud to create tube-like nests, which they attach to surfaces. These nests can often be seen in protected outdoor areas.

What do Mud Daubers eat?

Mud daubers primarily feed on nectar and other sugary substances. They hunt spiders to feed their larvae. After capturing a spider, they paralyze it with a sting and place it in a mud cell as food for their developing young.

How do Mud Daubers behave?

Mud daubers are solitary and do not defend their nests aggressively. They are generally non-aggressive and will only sting if directly threatened. These wasps are often seen flying slowly around their nesting sites or hunting for spiders.

How do Mud Daubers reproduce?

Female mud daubers build nests out of mud and lay a single egg in each mud cell. They provide paralyzed spiders as food for the larva that hatches. The larva feeds on the spider and eventually pupates, emerging as an adult wasp.

How can you control Mud Daubers?

To control mud daubers, remove their nests when they are small. Keep outdoor areas clean and free of debris to reduce nesting sites. Seal cracks and gaps around buildings to prevent them from entering. Professional pest control can help manage larger infestations.

How do Mud Daubers impact humans?

Mud daubers are generally harmless to humans and rarely sting. Their presence can be a nuisance, but they are beneficial in controlling spider populations. Removing nests and keeping areas clean can help manage their presence without harm.

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