

Flea Stats

Color: Dark brown or reddish-brown

Size: Adults are typically 1/12 to 1/6 inch in length

Shape: Small, flat body with long legs for jumping

What is a Flea?

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects known for their ability to jump long distances. They are parasites that feed on the blood of animals and humans. Fleas can be a common problem for pets like dogs and cats.

A close up of a flea on a white background.

Where do Fleas live?

Fleas live on animals like dogs, cats, and wild animals. They can also be found in carpets, bedding, and furniture. Fleas prefer warm, humid environments and can be found both indoors and outdoors.

What do Fleas eat?

Fleas feed on the blood of their host animals. They bite and suck blood, which can cause itching and discomfort. Fleas need a blood meal to reproduce and lay eggs.

How do Fleas behave?

Fleas are known for their jumping ability. They can jump from one host to another or from the environment onto a host. Flea bites can cause itching and irritation. Heavy infestations can lead to hair loss and skin problems in pets.

How do Fleas reproduce?

Female fleas lay eggs on their host, which then fall off into the environment. The eggs hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae and then into adult fleas. Fleas can reproduce quickly, leading to large infestations if not controlled.

How can you control Fleas?

To control fleas, treat your pets with flea preventatives and keep their bedding clean. Vacuum regularly to remove fleas and their eggs from carpets and furniture. Wash pet bedding and use flea sprays or insecticides as needed. Professional pest control can help manage severe infestations.

How do Fleas impact humans?

Fleas can bite humans, causing itchy red bumps. Flea bites are usually not serious but can be uncomfortable. In some cases, fleas can transmit diseases. Keeping your pets and home flea-free can help prevent bites and reduce the risk of flea-borne illnesses.

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A woman is holding a little girl in her arms on a bed.
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