Carpenter Ant

Camponotus spp.

Carpenter Ant Stats

Color: Varies from black to reddish or yellow

Size: Workers are typically 6 - 12 mm in length

Shape: Large, with a rounded thorax and a heart-shaped head

What is a Carpenter Ant?

Carpenter ants are found all over the world. They like to live in forests and wooded areas but can also be found in urban settings. These ants make their nests in wood, often inside trees or wooden structures. They don’t eat the wood but tunnel through it to make their nests.

Three ants are standing next to each other on a white surface.

Where do Carpenter Ants live?

Carpenter ants live in different places. They like to build their nests in moist or decaying wood, such as in trees, stumps, logs, and even wooden structures like houses. Inside homes, you might find them in walls, attics, or basements where there is wood.

What do Carpenter Ants eat?

Carpenter ants eat a variety of foods. They love sweet foods, like honeydew from aphids, and also enjoy proteins. You might find them foraging for food in your kitchen, looking for sugary treats or other food crumbs.

How do Carpenter Ants behave?

Carpenter ants are known for their tunneling behavior. They create smooth tunnels inside wood to build their nests. When looking for food, the worker ants travel in long trails and can go far from their nest to find what they need.

How do Carpenter Ants reproduce?

The queen carpenter ant lays all the eggs in the colony. The size of the colony can be quite large, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand ants. This helps them grow their numbers quickly.

How can you control Carpenter Ants?

To control carpenter ants, you should first inspect your home for signs of moisture and decaying wood where they might be nesting. Seal up any entry points around your home to keep them out. Using baits and insecticides can help eliminate the colonies.

How do Carpenter Ants impact humans?

Carpenter ants can be a problem for humans because they can cause structural damage by tunneling through wood. They don’t eat the wood but can weaken it by making their nests inside. They can also be a nuisance when they come indoors looking for food and water.

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