
Vespula germanica

Wasp Stats

Color: Yellow and black, or sometimes brown and white

Size: 1/2 to 1 inch in length

Shape: Slender body with a narrow waist

What is a Wasp?

Wasps are flying insects that can sting and are known for their aggressive behavior when defending their nests. They are often found in gardens and near outdoor activities. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times.

A black and yellow wasp is sitting on a green leaf

Where do American House Spider live?

Wasps build nests in a variety of locations, including in trees, under eaves, and inside wall voids. They often construct paper-like nests from chewed wood and saliva. Some wasps build their nests underground or in sheltered areas.

What do American House Spider eat?

Wasps feed on nectar and sugary substances. They are also known to hunt other insects, which they feed to their larvae. Wasps are attracted to sweet foods and drinks, making them common at outdoor events.

How do American House Spider behave?

Wasps are more aggressive than bees and can sting multiple times. They become defensive when their nests are threatened and will chase intruders away from their nests. Wasps are often seen buzzing around food sources and nests.

How do American House Spider reproduce?

In late summer, queen wasps lay eggs that hatch into workers. The workers build and maintain the nest. In the fall, new queens are produced. These queens leave the nest to hibernate and start new colonies the next spring.

How can you control American House Spider?

To control wasps, identify and remove nests early in the season. Use wasp traps and keep outdoor areas clean to avoid attracting them. If a nest is found, consider professional pest control services to safely remove it.

How do American House Spider impact humans?

Wasp stings can be painful and cause allergic reactions in some people. Multiple stings or a single sting can lead to serious health issues, especially for those allergic to insect venom. Avoiding wasps and removing nests can reduce the risk of stings.

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